Tattoo Care

Day one

Remove your bandage between 2 and 24 hrs.

Wash your tattoo with warm water and gradually build up to hot water. We like to let the hot water run on it for about 10 minutes. Use a mild soap and finger tips to make sure to get it clean, it should no longer feel slick or slimy.

Dry with a paper towel.

Follow with an naturally derived balm; shea nut oil, coconut oil, tallow, or similar balm with mild or no fragrance.

Day two & three

Wash your tattoo two times a day with warm water and mild soap.

Use balm a few times a day.

Day four and after

Bathe as normal. Keep it moisturized with balm or lotion. We recommend a heavy bodied lotion containing shea or cocoa butter for our dry climate.

Around this time is could be very flaky. Try not to pick at it.

Your skin is now regenerating, is could be very itchy. Keep it moisturized.

Not medical advice.

Tattoo care for “wound care dressing”

Care for your tattoo as stated on day one. Refer to package instructions.

Wait at least three hours post procedure, or until bed to apply “wound care dressing“

Wash your tattoo, make sure its very clean and dry.

Apply “sticker” by pushing down in the middle and smoothing outward. Make sure you have about an inch clearance around the perimeter.

Wear for three nights take it off on the fourth day under running water.

Wash and moisturize until its fully healed.

If it should come up exposing some of the tattoo prior to the fourth day, remove, wash and moisturize.

Not medical advice.


Keep it simple, don’t over do it.

Only touch your tattoo with clean hands.

Don’t clean or exfoliate with a sponge or loofa.

Don’t let others touch your tattoo.

Use ice to help with swelling.

Don’t swim for two weeks.

Don’t expose to direct sunlight for at least a month.

Don’t pick or scratch.

Let the tattoo heal for at least a month before inquiring about a touch up.

Normal healing; feels like a burn, sensitive to the touch, swollen, warm, red, bruised, oozing plasma.

Not so normal healing; if 24hrs later you feel like its throbbing, red and hot this could be signs of infection. If you have itchy red bumps, you’re probably allergic to the products you’re using, switch to something else.

Please reach out to your artist if you should have any concerns. Not medical advice